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- skf SAF 1310 T SAF and SAW pillow blocks with bearings with a cylindrical bore
- Plain Sleeve
- Max 500 ºF
- skf FSAF 1316 SAF and SAW pillow blocks with bearings with a cylindrical bore
- Labyrinth
- 1.5600 in
- skf FSAF 1317 SAF and SAW pillow blocks with bearings with a cylindrical bore
- 4.8125 in
- LM761649D
- skf FSAF 1314 SAF and SAW pillow blocks with bearings with a cylindrical bore
- 16 mm
- Phenolic Resin
- skf FSAF 1311 SAF and SAW pillow blocks with bearings with a cylindrical bore
- Sealed
- Chrome Steel